Sims 4 Christmas Pack 2021 – 4 New Custom Recipes
This food item REQURES the latest version of my custom food enabler
Christmas is a traditionally a Christian festival celebrated as the birth of Jesus, who is believed to be the son of God, who apparently performed many miracles and good deeds over his life. Some atheists still celebrate Christmas, though without the Christian element.
Many Christmas traditions are based in pagan traditions from the pagan winter festival Yule, celebrated by some a few days before starting on the Winter Solstice on the 21st and ending on the 1st of January, as well as the Roman festival Saturnalia. Both of these are still celebrated by some.
Christmas Fruit Cake Notes:
A rich spiced fruitcake, wrapped in white icing and decorated with red tartan ribbon as well as holly, fir and pinecones to make a beautiful festive dessert.
– Must be prepared as full cake, then the sim will cut it into slices (you can’t bake a slice of cake on its own, after all)
– Optional SCCO any flour, any lactose free milk and any eggs, EA any fruit and Icemunmun raisin and cinnamon (cake can still be cooked without)
– Vegetarian-Safe, Lactose Free
Found in Cook Custom Food > Make Custom Dessert
Christmas Tree Cupcakes Notes:
Here we have some pretty garish but pretty fun Christmas Tree themed cupcakes with stars on top and multiple coloured dots as decorations. The cakes are mint chocolate flavoured and are bound to make your sims feel festive.
– It has all three sizes (8 servings, 4 servings and single serving)
– Optional SCCO milk chocolate, any flour, any lactose free milk, any sugar and any eggs, and Icemunmun peppermint (cake can still be cooked without)
– Vegetarian-Safe, Lactose Free.
Found in Cook Custom Food > Make Custom Dessert
Mixed Lebkuchen Notes:
Lebkuchen (also known as Honigkuchen or Pfefferkuchen) is a German treat often eaten at Christmas. It’s a kind of gingerbread made with honey, almonds, ginger and some kind of leavening agent to make it into a puffy cake-like texture.
– It has all three sizes (8 servings, 4 servings and single serving)
– Optional SCCO baking soda, EA honey, and Icemunmun almond, cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger (cake can still be cooked without)
– Vegetarian-Safe, Lactose Free.
Found in Cook Custom Food > Make Custom Dessert
Mulled Wine Notes:
Mulled Wine is a warmed and spiced wine beverage. Usually mixed with various spices (depending on family recipes) and orange juice to give it that warm, festive feel.
– It has all three sizes (8 servings, 4 servings and single serving)
– Optional Icemunmun cinnamon, nutmeg, and orange, and KingZace anice (cake can still be cooked without)
– Vegetarian-Safe, Lactose Free.
Found in Create Custom Drinks > Make Cold Drinks
Additional Credits:
Please let me know if you run into any issues!
Italian – translated by me (already in the mod)
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Cake |
Food |
HighChairFood |
Mesh information:
Mesh name:
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 124 | 78 |
Description: Food
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Christmas Fruit Cake
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 544 | 544 |

* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
HolidayTradition |
Mesh information:
Mesh name:
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 544 | 428 |
Description: Food
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
HighChairFood |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Christmas Tree Cupcakes
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 126 | 66 |

* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
HolidayTradition |
Mesh information:
Mesh name:
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 124 | 78 |
Description: Food
* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
Food |
HighChairFood |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Mixed Lebkuchen
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 498 | 498 |

* The following information shares where to find it in buy-mode, any buffs/moodlets they get from it and what it can be used for!
Functions |
HighChairFood |
Mesh information:
Mesh name:
LODs (1):
LOD | 0 |
Polygons | 180 |
Mesh information:
Mesh name: Mulled Wine
LODs (2):
LOD | 0 | 1 |
Polygons | 180 | 94 |

- CC: Stands for custom content. CC is content created by fans of the game.
- How To Download CC For Sims 4?
- Go to the Menu and then Game Options. Select ‘’Other’’ and check the ‘’Enable Custom Content and Mods’’ box.
Credit : RobinKLocksley